United we can make a difference-“Help is on the Way”. We need your support and caring hearts to continue to assist in rebuilding the lives of tens of thousands of refugees. We urge you to make an effort in building awareness to help refugees who have been forced out of their homes. Together we can reach more people to help those who are forgotten become unforgettable.
We are always looking for passionate and caring volunteers to help us further our mission. Explore positions to get involved below.
Host a Campaign
Help us help more refugees. When planning and hosting a fundraiser or collections drive we are here with you every step of the way.
Advocate for Refugees
Use Your Voice! Together we can build awareness and empower change to advocate on behalf of refugees who count on us to give them a voice.
Partner With Us
Narenj Tree Foundation is actively seeking partnerships with individuals, companies and institutions that can help us enhance our mission.